Energy Globe Award 2007

More about Energy Globe Awards.
The ENERGY GLOBE AWARD is the world’s most prestigious and respected environmental award. The awards in five categories have been presented for eight years to projects that implement prudent and economical utilization of resources such as energy and water and/or efficiently employ alternative energy sources. The five project categories are Earth, Fire, Water, Air – representing the basic element of life – and Youth.
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Haitian Ambassador to Brussels, Raymond Lafontant, with Marie Jamie and Carline. |
The award presentations are held within the framework of gala awards ceremonies at regional, national and international levels. Again in 2008, regional awards will be held in all nine federal provinces of Austria as well as in more than 100 nations around the world. For 2007, over 800 projects from 109 nations were submitted.
This sensational level of participation impressively underscores the worldwide esteem that the ENERGY GLOBE enjoys. The international awards ceremony takes place annually in the realm of a television gala that is broadcast worldwide to 3 billion households. Venues have included Japan (Expo 2005), Canada (Globe Fair 2006), and, as the highlight of this private Austrian initiative, the European Parliament (Plenary Room, Brussels). This year’s international gala will take place on 26 May 2008 at the European Parliament in Brussels.
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Marie Jamie and Carline at EU Parliament for the Energy Globe Award |
The Energy Globe Award competition takes place each year and premiers projects from all over the world that sustainably utilize our resources or employ renewable energy forms. An international jury of experts chaired by Maneka Gandhi, a member of the Indian Parliament and the former environmental minister of India, decides the winning projects. The submitted projects demonstrate that extraordinary solutions already exist for many environmental problems, but that these are not sufficiently well-known.
The ENERGY GLOBE AWARD makes an invaluable contribution to building awareness regarding energy efficiency and climate protection and points the way to future solutions. Haitian Community Development Project, Inc. or HCDP's submitted project, “Waste Management/Incinerator for Haiti”, for the ENERGY GLOBE Award 2007 was among a total of 853 projects from 109 nations. HCDP was recently informed that the International Jury has judged the submission as the "honorary national winner for Haiti.
HCDP and Carline Seide-Murphy would like to acknowledge and thank Penelope Queen, Naomi DelaRosa, Rev. Leif Erickson, Rev. David McMillan and the whole congregation of the First Presbyterian Church in Hudson for their support, . It is
their generous contributions and the funds from the Presbytery Committee on the Self Development of People or SDOP that made the visit to Belgium for the Energy Globe Award possible. We would also like to acknowledge the Haitian Ambassador to Brussels, Mr. Raymond Lafontant, Jr., for making our visit to Brussels a safe, enjoyable and rewarding one. We wouldn't have been able to visit the Atomium, the art gallery and other sites in Brussels if it weren't for him. Thankyou to Intercity Consulting, BJorn Hultin, for being there for us at the European Parliament. Finally, we would like to thank Christoph Winterbacher, Project Manager, ENERGY GLOBE, for his patience, consideration and understanding. And to Barbara Hobl, Konzeption & Organisation, Energy Globe, for her patience and support during the early stage of submission. Thanks to you all.
More Information
Haitian Community Development Project
PO Box 35 Niverville, NY 12130 * (518)784-4395 *
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